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The Norwood School

#Let Girls Play

Ms Barton has been really doing a wonderful job encouraging our girls to get onto the football pitch and play.

Backed by Let Girls Play ambassadors Abi, 17, and Olivia,15, along with Barclays’ ambassador Kelly Smith MBE, the Let Girls Play campaign will inspire and empower communities and schools to want to help make change, unlocking equal opportunities for girls to participate in the sport.

Only 63 per cent of schools currently offer girls’ football in PE lessons and our ambition, as seen in the women’s and girls’ Inspiring Positive Change strategy, is to have 75 per cent of schools providing equal access to football for girls in PE lessons by 2024.

And the #LetGirlsPlay campaign supports this ambition by encouraging people to stop, listen and see how they can make a difference to this current challenge. The campaign’s website provides inspiring resources to help influence the start of change and allow more girls to feel the mental and physical benefits of exercise through playing football.