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Friends of Norwood School PTA

Welcome to 'Friends of The Norwood School', our PTA.

Please read our Chair's report - attached at the bottom of this page.

Our main aims are to meet and know our parent community, raise funds to support the school and to have fun! Please let us know if you would like to get involved – our email address is

Please see the Norwood School WhatsApp community for other class groups, bursary groups and school trip groups.

Annual Events and fundraising opportunities:

  • MacMillan Cancer Coffee morning – the PTA help run cake stalls to support the school on the Open Evening and raise money for MacMillan charities – September 2024
  • PTA Quiz Night – Next event, November 2024
  • The Annual Comedy night - January each year sees one of the most popular school events with top name talents performing in The Nest, the school theatre. With thanks to Kerry Godliman and friends, January 2025.
  • FOTNS bars at School Events – The FOTNS bar team provide much needed refreshments for school events including The Norwood Factor, So you Think You Can Dance? Battle of the Bands, PAPA’s etc Anyone can help out with these, look out for notifications on facebook and WhatsApp groups and join the PTA Bar WhatsApp group. 
  • We are starting the Estate Agent boards again. If you’d like to have a board outside your house please email us at
  • raises money at no cost to you on any online shopping you do from ordering a takeaway, to booking travel, your food shop and so on. If you haven’t already signed up please do - Grandparents and friends of the family can also sign up as well.
  • ‘Meet the Parents’ events are held in local pubs and we aim to have at least one per term so we can all get to know each other. We are hoping to have some Christmas Drinks in December 2024.
  • Second-hand uniform sales – 2-3 a year. Next sale will be in December 2024.


We provide funds to the school departments to support learning across the school community. So far we have provided items to Food technology, STEM, Science, Film, Garden Club, Chess Club, Visual Arts and the new school library. We are working on longer term projects for the SEN Department and Sports departments plus donated funds to both the Year 11 and Year 13 proms. 

Joining In

Of course, whilst it always helps, it is not always money that is needed. Sometimes it might be donating old, but still good condition, school uniform or sports kits for second hand uniform sales. Keep an eye out for further details re donating or purchasing and if you can help let us know! 

It might be that you have a pasta maker gathering dust at the back of your cupboard that could be used by the food tech dept, or garden tools or plant seedlings that can be used by the garden club at the school. 

Your skills as a DIYer/builder/carpenter might be useful on a community day to build raised bed planters for the garden or assembling shelves in the PTA shed.

Sometimes it may be an extra pair of hands to run a bar or tidy up at one of the amazing school theatre events or bake a cake for a cake stall to raise a few extra pounds. You can also just turn up and say hi to support us! 

We have lots of ideas for things we could be doing to raise money at the school or for school events, we just need help to make them happen. If you would like to get involved with any of the above, then please email us at

We look forward to raising lots of money to benefit the school and to meeting more of you over the coming year!

 Ailsa Wakley

Friends of The Norwood School

Registered Charity Number 1205861