Film Studies
Cinema is not only entertainment: it's the art and cultural product of our time…” Stella Bruzzi, professor of film and television studies, University of Warwick
Some of the greatest artists of the last 150 years have been filmmakers. Learning to “read” a film and how it creates meaning, how it manipulates and challenges the audience, is part of what Film Studies does. But we also need to understand the movie industry. Making film is a massive and growing business all around the world, with huge employment potential in a wide range of production, technical and commercial roles. More than 200,000 people work in the Film and television industries in the UK, most of them in London, and it’s a figure going up by around 5% every year*, so a Film Studies qualification can be great preparation for future employment.
You’ll study big-budget Hollywood films, as well as smaller “indie” movies. You’ll look at some of the best of modern British Cinema, and get a taste of some less mainstream work, including documentary, silent film, and world cinema. Alongside this, you’ll prepare a creative coursework unit in which you’ll plan and write your own screenplay. Film Studies suits people with an interest in how things are made, and why. It’s essential to enjoy watching films, and since most of the work is assessed by essay writing, you’ll want to have a level 6 or higher in English or English Literature.
All kinds of students choose film at A-Level, but it’s commonly combined with English Literature, Acting, ICT, Business, Sociology, and Art. An A Level in Film Studies is excellent preparation for university study of Film, Film Production or Media, and would support applications for many other courses including English, History of Art, Arts Management and a range of other Arts subjects.
*DCMS Sectors Economic Estimates 2017