REACH Project
As many of you know, our current Yr 11 and 13 have been lucky enough to work with REACH from King's College Hospital over the last four years. The students have given the team a lot of valuable information, and they would really like to show the students, and their families, how they are using the information that they have gathered, the kinds of questions that were being asked as a result of the data collected and what the emerging findings are. This is what REACH have had to say about the project.
Hello from REACH!
We’re still running our current survey on the impact of Covid-19 on young people from South London on their mental health. We have really appreciated you getting involved over the last few years and are keen to stay in touch!
We have a 1-minute video to give you a snapshot of what has been going on and how to stay in touch for future research and events.
You can also click here:
You will also find on the link above a 15-minute-long video on our most recent findings on the impact Covid-19 has had on young people’s mental health. We have so much more information we would love to share with you over the next few months!
Any questions? Get in touch! / 07391482947
Thank you for your time!
The REACH Team