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Name of subject: History

Examination board - Edexcel

Qualification – A-Level                                     

Entry requirements: Grade B (preferred) in History

Description of the course (Overview):

Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.

George Orwell

 Was George Orwell right? If the past is a distant country then why does it keep repeating itself? History at A-Level genuinely allows the student an in depth understanding of the lives of individuals, groups and races from the past. It also allows you the chance to better understand you present and future.

Topics studied: In search of the American Dream: the USA, c1917–9.  This option comprises a study in breadth, in which students will learn about the dramatic political, economic and social transformation of the USA in the twentieth century, an era that saw the USA challenged by the consequences of political, economic and social inequalities at home and of its involvement in international conflict. The focus of study is on developments and changes over a broad timescale and so the content is presented as themes spanning a significant duration: 1917-80.

South Africa, 1948–94: from apartheid state to ‘rainbow nation’ .  This option comprises a study in depth of South Africa during its transition from white minority rule to the free elections of 1994, a long, and at times, dramatic process in which South Africa changed from an apartheid state into a multi-racial democracy. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of the creation and consolidation of the apartheid regime by the National Party and the response and methods used by their political opponents in the struggle to overthrow apartheid, as well social, economic and cultural changes that accompanied this process.

Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors 1485 – 1603 - Together, the breadth and depth topics explore the nature of rebellion and disorder under the Tudors and the way the various challenges were met, the nature of change in government over the period and the changing relationship between the Crown and key sections of society. The option enables students to explore the way in which, despite a shaky start, the Tudors were able to establish their dynasty as one of the most powerful England has seen.

Coursework - The purpose of this coursework is to enable students to develop skills in the analysis and evaluation of interpretations of history in a chosen question, problem or issue as part of an independently researched assignment.

What skills will they particularly develop?

History is very well respected by most employers and it is still a very traditional course at university. The skills that are developed at A-Level provide students with excellent literary skills, the ability to analyse and interpret evidence. Prepare and produce well constructed argument and critical evaluation. All of these skills are suited a huge variety of jobs from policing to Law, City work, Human resources, academia, journalism, teaching, politics, mass media, advertising to name just a few.

Enrichment activities

Students will participate in a variety of workshops, visits to London’s museum & records office, debates delivered by University experts and possible trips to European destinations to be organised.